How Many Times a Day Should I Pee?

How many times a day should I pee?

Normal is a range because everyone is different, and every day is different.  An average amount of time between going to the bathroom for an adult is between 2-4 hours.  Women typically urinate between 5-8x/day, and men about 4-6x/day.  

If you are going more often, you may benefit from bladder retraining or a discussion with our pelvic floor therapists.  The bladder is a quick learner and can adjust to your habits.  For example, peeing ‘just in case’ often can encourage your bladder to hold less urine.  

If you find yourself going less than the average adult or ignoring urges, in some cases, this can create a bladder stretch and muscles may become overworked or tensioned.  

These are ranges, but if you constantly find yourself far from the normal, or unhappy with your urinary frequency, we can help! 


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