Penile Clamps For Urinary Incontinence

Penile Clamps for Urinary Incontinence

A penile clamp is a device that creates pressure on the urethra to lessen or eliminate leaking.  It may be a helpful tool for use after a prostatectomy for keeping you dry in social situations, but more importantly for helping train the bladder and the pelvic muscles to start to support you again.

Where to Start?

When considering these devices, it is best to start with talking with your doctor about their use.   They may recommend bladder medications to help the process.  After that we can work with you and your doctor to develop a protocol for its use and eventually weaning it for dry days!  Each product should help you with sizing.

How Does it Help Stop Incontinence?

A clamp may aid in restoring nervous system control of bladder function while loading the pelvic floor muscles.  This should help you develop muscle strength and endurance. 

Is it Safe?

We strongly recommend the use of these devices under supervision to ensure they are used correctly.  They can be helpful tools for reducing urinary incontinence.  They should be used at monitored intervals and are a short term device.  If you are leaking heavily 1 year post op and have already tried clamps and physical therapy, check in with your physician to evaluate your bladder neck stability.


Two noteworthy clamp brands are the Weisner or the Dribblestop.


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