Let’s talk about orgasms

Orgasms often define sexual pleasure. However, they are much more than just a moment of bliss. While they can bring intense satisfaction, they can also serve an an indicator of overall health including pelvic floor and emotional health.  

Can pelvic floor therapy help with orgasms?

Absolutely! A pelvic floor therapist can help figure out why you are not having orgasms, or help you figure out why your orgasms aren’t as strong as you would like. Some people have orgasms when they do not want to and that is also something a pelvic therapist can help with.

Let’s back it up…What is an orgasm?

Orgasms bring an intense sensation of pleasure and release. When this happens there is unison with the mind, body, and emotional state. Physically, the heart rate increases which allows more blood flow to the pelvis and sexual organs and the pelvic floor muscles contract. This contraction is then followed by complete relaxation of the muscles. During an orgasm, the brain releases many feel-good chemicals, such as dopamine and oxytocin. Both of these chemicals contribute to feelings of pleasure and emotional bonding. 

There are many types of orgasms

For people who have a vagina, the most common types of orgasms include clitoral, vaginal, and blended.

One of the main factors playing into being able to have a vaginal or combined orgasm is your own anatomy. It is thought that if the distance between your clitoris and vaginal opening is 2.5cm or less, then you are more likely to be able to have a vaginal orgasm.  

For people who have a penis, the most common types of orgasms include penile, prostate, and blended. It is beneficial to ejaculate 21 or more times per month for overall prostate health.

What are the health benefits of having an orgasm?

Even though orgasms feel good, they also offer many health benefits. 

  • They release endorphins, the feel-good hormone that can help reduce stress levels, alleviate pain, and promote a sense of well-being. 

  • They help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles while also allowing the muscles to fully relax after a strong contraction. This can help with bladder and bowel control.

  • They help improve sleep.

  • They enhance cardiovascular health.

  • They help increase immune function. 

  • They can boost self-esteem.

Why do some people have a hard time having an orgasm?

Many people have a difficult time achieving an orgasm for various reasons. Somethings that can cause increased difficulty are physical conditions with hormonal imbalances, medication side effects, and pelvic floor dysfunction, stress, anxiety, body image issues, past traumas, or relationship dynamics.

Here is an exercise that can help achieve better orgasms if performed for 30 seconds everyday. This is both for men and women. 


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